Saturday, September 26, 2009

Busy times, birthday, canning, visits

Things have been so incredibly busy as of late, I haven't even taken many pictures. Last weekend I had a wonderful birthday party where friends and family got to join me for my special day. It was so nice to have my wonderful friends from church and family and friends of the family join Dennis, Nicole, and I to share the day. Mike and a couple of his friends were even able to make it. It was a wonderful day, definately!
The Rowleys were over showing us how to can and brought two boxes full of their wonderful orchard peaches. I cleaned out the hall pantry, put down new shelf liner paper, and voila, a great place to showcase our hard work. It was great fun. Dennis, Nicole and I sat out on the back porch peeling peaches. Well Dennis and I peeled while Nicole intermittently ate and stuffed peaches in the jars for us. Once in a while we'd notice that there was a partially eaten peach in the jar! I'm sure we'll come across a few lovely surprises when we go to eat peaches later on... What a great way to spend some family time together, though.
Neighbors and friends have been so wonderful sharing there wonderful fresh produce with us! There have been apples from the Beus', tomatoes from our neighbors and from Grandma Karen, and zucchini too. It's been so yummy incorporating these into our dishes. I've been babying my beans to get my little weekly harvest off them. But they've been wonderful as well.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bits and pieces of life

Not much has been happening lately...
Here, Dennis is just bribing Nicole with something for some kisses and hugs, probably some type of food like sausage and crackers, or cantelope or something. Nicole is eating non-stop these days. She's worse than Michael playing basketball...
Judy has been great getting me back into my sewing. I finished my first project which was my apron, and have moved on to my 2nd project - pajama bottoms. She's had to come over a couple times to repair my machine, though. I don't know who looks more excited, here, though - her or Nicole.

Joel Frazier and his girlfriend visited us during their short trip from Arizona. It was great to visit with them during their trip up. We were so happy they stopped by to see us!!! It's funny to see him outside of his suit and his tie - he reminds me of Michael!